Pull a Card, Any Card

Although tarot cards and specialized readings have been a part of Western culture for centuries, dating back more than 500 years to northern Italy during the late 1400s, tarot card readings have become increasingly vogue in recent years. Take a quick gander online and you’ll likely find a host of websites, books, and social media influencers enamored with the practice, often live-streaming their own readings to thousands of followers across the globe. But at Ward Centre, long before tarot cards became the pop culture sensation they are today, Malia Johnson of Sedona has been specializing in metaphysical readings for years, offering customers a chance to test their fate and peel back a vision for their future. Recently, I sat down with Lani Kwon, one of Sedona’s leading tarot card readers, to have my future told.
On an otherwise nondescript fall evening, I wander into a comfortable room in the back of Sedona where I find Lani seated before me, beaming good vibes and a warm smile. Upon exchanging pleasantries, we sit down at her desk, conveniently tucked away from the customers shopping and meandering through Sedona. Neatly arranged before me are an array of card decks, each adorned with a different figure. Meekly, I ask which one to pull. Lani Smiles, still beaming good vibes, and tells me to pick it myself. “See which one calls out to you.”
I reach for a deck on the right-hand side that catches my eye. Lani instructs me to shuffle it, ensuring that we’re dealing with fate alone. Once I’m done rearranging the deck, Lani warmly asks me to pull my first card. She glances at it, flips it skyward, and we unveil my fate.
Throughout the remainder of my reading, Lani carefully explains the significance of each of the cards I’ve pulled, every turn of the deck revealing an aspect of my personality and history that I couldn’t deny. While I may have been a tad skeptical before, I found that the cards did speak to me. However, it wasn’t necessarily the card themselves that I felt the most connection to—it was Lani.
Throughout the session, I felt as if we became friends; she was comforting, supportive, positive, passionate, and very thorough. Despite any initial interpretation, I felt so comforted by Lani that I couldn’t resist her charm. As an accomplished life-coach and author, she exudes a sincere warmth and her interpretations of my readings felt spot-on. So much so that I had to pick up my jaw from the floor more than once.
But could a tarot card reading really tell my future? Hard to say, but there’s one thing I do know, it’s that I would be happy to sit and chat with Lani for hours. And that can’t be denied. How will my future take shape based on the cards? Only time will tell, but in the meantime, if you’re looking for a metaphysical reading administered with all of the know-how, compassion, and aloha you’d expect from your own mother, you’d be wise to set up an appointment with Lani.
To see what your future may hold, and to gab with some friendly people about all things metaphysical, head to Ward Centre to schedule your tarot reading.